Earhart mi

Monday, January 11, 2010

The Power of Music

" Brain research tells us that music can impact our thinking.
The right music can charge and energize our brain." Eric Jensen
  • Try using some music by Vivaldi or Handel to help calm your class.
  • You can use music to energize students like our Friday walking music.
  • You might use music for transitions. Select a theme song to signal students that science is about to begin, etc.
  • Music is an effective nmemonic device. Think of how many students sing the ABCs to alphabetize a list of words.
  • You can create a mood for writing with some background music.
  • How about a song to end the day: Hallelujah Chorus anyone?
Remember that poetry and chants also fall under the musical rhythmic intelligence because of their rhythm. Students can add rhythm to their spelling words. This helps many students internalize the tricky spelling patterns.
For other teaching strategies see MI in the Classroom pg.59-60.
As you try some new ideas or utilize some old favorites, please remember to share them. Happy singing!

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