Visual Spatial Ideas
Because I am not strong in this area, I have learned to utilize the students who are gifted in visual spatial areas to help me with illustrations and visual cues for my students. This is extremely helpful when working with my ELL students. It really helps them hook meaning to the word when they see a visual representation of the word.
Although I can't draw, I do love color. This will also appeal to our visual learners. When we write our spelling words, we use different colors for vowels and consonants. We also look at the shape of a word. These cues can help the V-sp. learners.
Graphic organizers are also wonderful tools. Using a G.O. helps 'organize' thoughts around a visual theme. My daughter is high in V-sp and she loves to use organizers to 'corral' her thoughts.
We all know that a picture is worth a thousand words so don't forget to look for some pictures to illustrate the topics you are studying. The internet has really opened up the possibilities for that.
Lastly, help students use visualization to aid their reading comprehension. Thinking about the story as if it were a 'movie in your mind' can help students understand what they are reading. Now this is an area that I am strong in. I have a great imagination. You will find areas of v-sp. that you are strong in, too. Capitalize on those areas and ask students to help you in your weaker areas. Everyone will benefit. What are you thoughts? Hey, Mr. GV, we'd love to hear from you...